METU-Edinburgh Workshop on Language and Cognition in Under-Represented Children

Last Updated:
01/09/2021 - 20:57

As METU Language and Cognitive Development Lab, we invite you to submit your finalized or ongoing work to our online workshop titled "METU-Edinburgh Workshop on Language and Cognition in Under-Represented Children". 

This workshop will mark the end of our British Academy Newton project on language and cognitive abilities of Syrian children living in Turkey.

We welcome submissions from researchers working on language and cognitive development in under-represented or disadvantaged populations (e.g. refugees, minorities, international adoptees, individuals with PTSD and so on). We aim to increase means for collaboration among these researchers and to raise awareness about inclusive cognitive science.


• Single-spaced, Times New Roman 12-pt font, 1-inch margins

• One-page .PDF file

• No identifying information about the author(s) on the abstract document

• Along with your abstracts, please provide the following information in your e-mail:

- Title of your paper

- Author(s) and affiliation(s)

Please send your abstracts to lcd[@] 

Workshop Host: METU Language and Cognitive Development Lab

Workshop Organisers: Duygu Özge and Özlem Yeter from Middle East Technical University (METU), Hugh Rabagliati from the University of Edinburgh.

Funding: The British Academy Newton Advanced Fellowship ref. NAF2R2\100075 to Duygu Özge and Hugh Rabagliati.