General Information
Last Updated:
- English
- Türkçe
Dates: 19-May-2020-21-May-2020
Location: Nesin Matematik Köyü, Şirince, İzmir
Description: METU Language and Cognitive Development Lab Spring School offers a three-day training on psycholinguistic research in collaboration with TheRabLab at the University of Edinburgh. The training includes 7 courses on a variety of topics linking psycholinguistic theory with practical research skills. In addition to the courses, there will be student poster session where graduate students can present their ongoing studies. Attendees are encouraged to submit an abstract for the poster presentation session.
Funding: The spring school is partly funded by British Academy, Newton Advanced Fellowship, NAF2R2\100075.
Application Instructions: For pre-registration, fill out the Registration Form (see the form on the menu left) before February 10, 2020 (early registration), expressing your motivation to attend. In case there are more applicants than can be accomodated, priority will be given to graduate students with an interest in psycholinguistics on a first-come-first-serve basis. Notification of acceptance will be sent shortly upon the completion of the form.